We have all use ride/taxi sharing apps, we book holidays directly online, while many find dates online. Wouldn’t it be great to have something like this in the property industry so we didn’t have to use the expensive middleman, real estate agents?
Guess what? There is already a new platform in place that simply and easily connects property buyers with sellers without the use of the middleman, as you don’t need or legally require an agent to sell or buy property. As a first home buyer, this leaves you in a position to directly negotiate with the property seller. The seller won’t be trying to make up real estate agent commission costs either, which means the home buyer could save on the purchase price.
Next Address is the one responsible for introducing this innovative tool to the property industry.

The great news for property buyers is that it is FREE to register your profile. Once you have registered your profile Next Address will do the work for you, including sending you notifications when any suitable properties within your preferred criteria are registered by a seller.
Next Address want to make buying the Great Australian Dream easier than ever before.

FHBA co-founder Taj Singh said “it’s great to see further innovation in the industry. First home buyers need options that other buyers such as investors in the market aren’t looking at. Next Address provides this opportunity for first home buyers”.
To learn more about this FREE property seeking tool visit www.nextaddress.com.au.
Do you want to know what the primary concerns for buyers and sellers are? Next address has gone to great lengths to not only identify the issues, but also to solve the issues faced by buyers and sellers. Click here for the details!