The purchase of your first home is quite likely to be the largest asset you own.
Whether it is you & your partner, your family, or just you living in your new home, it is vital that you protect your most valuable asset.
Why is it so important to be protected? Well what would happen, for example, if you and/or partner lost your job….how would you afford your mortgage repayments and lifestyle?
Fortunately there are numerous protection methods & strategies available to protect you from many of life’s misshapen’s.
Our question to you is…..do you want to be protected?
FHBA, through the help of our Protect partners, can help you have a safety net in place should an unexpected mishap event occur in your life.
A safety net is something that supports you if you fall off your main way of life due to an unexpected event.
FHBA Protect can help you organise various types of insurance cover, Wills and home security to form your personal safety net.
Everyone needs different forms of protection. Enquire today to work out what you need.
You’ve bought your first home and you have started to fit it out & make it your own.
But what do you do if your home is damaged by a storm? Or your valuables & furniture are stolen?
Home & Contents insurance is designed to provide you with financial protection in certain defined events.
For example, if your home was damaged by a storm and you have Building insurance, you could receive a financial benefit that covers
the damage to your home so that you can fix the damage.
Or, if say your TV & computer were stolen from your home, you could receive a financial benefit that allow’s you to replace the stolen items.
Do you currently use your household income to pay for your mortgage repayments and lifestyle?
What would you do if you and/or your spouse lost their ability to earn an income due to a health event (e.g. disablement, or major illness)?
Could you still afford mortgage repayments?
Income Protection is a form of insurance that provides an ongoing financial benefit (a replacement wage) in the event you lose you ability to earn income due to illness or injury.
In such an event, you could use the financial benefit to maintain your mortgage repayments and pay for other costs of living.
Life expectancy (how long the average person lives) has never been longer. But sometimes in life, people die prematurely for unexpected reasons. Do you know anyone who has died prematurely as a result of an accident (e.g. a car accident) or a medical condition (e.g. a heart attack or cancer).
If you or your partner died prematurely, how would the surviving spouse continue life?
We understand this is not an easy subject to think about, especially when you are enjoying moving into your first home. But it is critical to have a plan that you and your partner are comfortable with should the unfortunate occur.
FHBA Protect’s Life partner can help you with your plan. Find how by booking a free consultation today.
On the difficult but important topic of planning a contingency plan in the event of premature death, if this was to occur in your household, who would your assets be transferred to?
If you don’t have a Will, than how your assets is distributed is not up to you.
A Will is a formal document which provides instructions on how you want your assets to be distrusted in the event of your death.
They are simple Wills and complex Wills, depending on your circumstances and requirements.
You have worked so hard to buy your first property and have bought some nice furniture to give it that homely feeling.
The last thing you would want is someone breaking in and stealing your furniture.
Today there are various home security systems that exist to help you protect your home from theft.
And they may cost less than you think.
Get started now
Are you interested in one of the loans mentioned above? Or would you like more information on the home loans that are available to you? Simply complete the form below and a first home buyer expert (Broker/Coach) will be in touch with you: